About Foxvalley Counselling Services Inc.
Foxvalley Counseling Services Inc. (FCSI) provides a variety of counseling, training and consultation services to community members, programs, organizations, and companies. We provide flexible appointment times and a quick response to referral requests. FCSI provides quality services based on current best practice standards. Our services work within our vision of assisting children, adults and families in achieving their full potential and our mission is to promote healthy communities for children, families, and adults.
FCSI is a registered not-for-profit corporation where governance of this program is provided by a dedicated volunteer board of directors.
Our Culture
The culture that has evolved is based on respect, caring, and nurturing for individuals and families; recognizes the dignity, value, and personal worth of all people; creates opportunities for people to reach their full potential through a continuum of practical programs of support, counseling, and training; provides advocacy on behalf of individuals, families and communities with all levels of government; and builds and maintains high levels of competence within the organization through leadership, training, and experience.
All of our counseling services and programs follow ethical guidelines that integrate the highest standards of professional counseling practice. All communication between counselors and our clients is confidential, as guided by the Foxvalley Counseling Services Inc. policy on confidentiality.

Mark Fox
Mark is of Cree/Dakota ancestry from the Piapot First Nation. Mark is an experienced counselor with over fifteen years in this field. Mark has worked in child welfare for many years providing services to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Competencies include working with a diverse clientele. Specializations include; mediation, culture and child welfare. Mark has also volunteered his time to many community agencies and events. Mark and his wife Pam are the founders of Foxvalley Counseling Services, Inc.
Board of Directors

Keith Pratt
Keith is Retired from the Saskatchewan Government in April 2010, serving 35 years, 28 years at the Paul Dojack Youth Centre in various capacities and the last 8 years as Director of the Echo Valley Youth Centre. Mr. Pratt was also responsible for the Cultural Services Programming in all the Provincial Young Offender Facilities. These included building strong relationships with First Nation Bands, FSIN, Tribal Councils, Regina Police Service, RCMP, etc. to better serve Young people in custody along with their families. Mr. Pratt also provided Cultural Training for both Young Offender and Adult staff in Correctional Facilities within the Province of Saskatchewan. Some accomplishments include Exemplary Services Medal, Protective Services Medal, and Saskatchewan 100 Year Anniversary Medal. Mr. Pratt resides on the Muscowpetung First Nation with his Family.

Tracy Dunigan
Mark is of Cree/Dakota ancestry from the Piapot First Nation. Mark is an experienced counselor with over fifteen years in this field. Mark has worked in child welfare for many years providing services to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Competencies include working with a diverse clientele. Specializations include; mediation, culture and child welfare. Mark has also volunteered his time to many community agencies and events. Mark and his wife Pam are the founders of Foxvalley Counseling Services, Inc.

Denise Lovas
Mark is of Cree/Dakota ancestry from the Piapot First Nation. Mark is an experienced counselor with over fifteen years in this field. Mark has worked in child welfare for many years providing services to children, adolescents, adults, and families. Competencies include working with a diverse clientele. Specializations include; mediation, culture and child welfare. Mark has also volunteered his time to many community agencies and events. Mark and his wife Pam are the founders of Foxvalley Counseling Services, Inc.